Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Matilda's Fancy Nancy little dress...

Hi guys!

As I said in my first post, I love making things, and just about anything I try to make...
Today, it's sewing time! I will dedicate my post to my super cool godmother, Naninotte who loves to sew and bead... I remembered her making all kind of stuff with me when I was little before she moved to live in Martinique in the Caribbean.

Here is a little dress that I sewed last summer for Matilda. It is a very simple dress, I picked the yellow fabric because this color is amazing on her!(and maybe because she would OD with the pink that she loved insanely at that time!!!) but she picked the blue and the grey ribbon (i didn't have any pink in my ribbon jar...). Matilda is a fan of the "Fancy Nancy" books (it's a little girl who customized anything in her life to be fancy, it is a very sweet book!)...

The first of the "Fancy Nancy" collection
illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser
Written by Jane O'Connor
...so I made a little hook on the front so she could attach different things on it, that day we made a little composition with a flower, feathers and ribbons...

"Et voilà!!!" as Fancy Nancy would say, she speaks some french because it's fancy!

Merci maman!!!...

Detail of the back
My princess in her new dress...

Check out les "délicailloux de Naninotte", http://lesdelicailloux.canalblog.com/
Merci Marraine for being the way you are, love you.

Miss Drey.

1 comment:

  1. Ce message est pour Matilda :
    Est-ce que tu voudras bien me prêter le livre de Fancy Nancy car je suis sûre qu'à moi aussi elle va plaire cette petite ?
    Merci pour cette petite dédicace, j'avoue sans honte que j'ai versé une petite larme en le lisant. Reste celle que tu as toujours été, le bonheur se lit dans ce que tu fais et tu en es le seul artisan.
