Monday, January 31, 2011

Fan de Comic Books...

Hi guys!

I wanted to get a nice birthday present for Matilda's godfather, Mr Z, and as a fan of comic book, I thought why not pick one of his favorites, and make it as a painting. My husband (fan as well) helped me to choose the book and the page...


the page that my husband picked...

I drew first all the outlines and then painted color by color, it was easy in a way that it was only plain shades but the scale of it, and the details!... I spent so much more time that I though I would!!!! So yeah, I didn't finish on time... But I think it didn't matter at the end, because I loved it and HE LOVED IT TOO!!!... And there it is...

'The day the earth stood still', after the Watchmen, 2006

My husband a "bit jealous" wanted one too, so from "The Samourai, heaven and earth",...

the right page...

There it is...

the Samourai, after "The samourai", 2006
sorry the picture is not so good, the flash is making the painting shiny:-(

Miss Drey.

1 comment:

  1. Ca ca déchire!!! Je suis fan! Moi aussi je suis jalouse, et moi aussi j'en veux un! C'est pô juste (Calimero la référence hihi!). De toute façon mon anniversaire c'est le 23 mars et je viens en mai te voir alors ... Non je plaisante ;) Mais bon un jour quand je serai vieille et que j'aurai une grande maison avec pleins de murs à remplir... J'aimerai bien avoir un tableau de toi, au moins un. Bisoux
